Our Roos Room provides one of the leading preschool programs in the Bega Valley. We offer holistic learning opportunities for children aged 4-5 years. All of our learning is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, the National Quality Framework as well as the ECA Code of Ethics and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We strive to build a foundation upon which children can grow into well-rounded, thoughtful, kind, respectful and intelligent adults.
We explore Language and Literacy development, through the use of the PreLit program (designed by MultiLit – which links with learning undertaken in primary schools) and through other play-based experiences. Children’s interests and needs guide our approach to mathematics, science, and engineering. We also explore art, and a variety of cultures. This enables us to explore perspectives other than our own and to build on our curiosity and knowledge of our own and others’ lived experience. Through this, we are best able to foster positive social/emotional experiences and an overall positive sense of wellbeing and connectedness, to self, each other, place and community.
In the Roos environment, we cherish children’s’ and families’ input. We strongly believe that family is a child’s first teacher and we seek to build on this through the way we present our curriculum. All experiences are play based and learning is non-linear, meaning that we extend on things children show interest in and need further information on. We have three assessment cycles per year, where every child has an individual goal to work towards. These goals are decided through collaboration with educators, children and families. Learning is continual as we extend on these goals when needed.
In the past twelve months, we have sought to include a digital literacy program in our environment, extending on knowledge of technology to be more than ‘screen time’ and to instead actively teach children the benefits of technology in learning and connecting with others.
As the majority of children in our Roos environment transitions to primary school in the year after they have been with us, we have fostered relationships with many of the local primary schools. Meetings, continued communication between Roos Room Educators and primary schools; as well as a digital transition to school statement through the NSW Department of Education, allows your child to experience a seamless transition from our care to their next education environment.
If you have any further questions or would like more information, please call or email us to speak with Marissa or Kellie, our Roos room group leaders.
Roos Room Group Leader on a Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Certified Day-to-Day Responsible Person.
Diploma in Children's Services.
Working towards a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education and Care).
Social Media Manager
Roos Room Group Leader on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Nominated Supervisor, Educational Leader and Qualified Early Childhood Teacher
Roos Room Educator
Certified Day-to-Day Responsible Person, Certificate III in Children's Education and Care
Roos Room Educator
Certified Day-to-Day Responsible Person
Diploma of Children's Services
Roos Room Educator
Certificate III in Children's Education and Care
Roos Room Trainee
Working towards a Certificate III in Children's Education and Care
Roos Room School Based Trainee
Working towards a Certificate III in Children's Education and Care
Roos Room Casual Educator
Certificate III in Children's Education and Care